Saturday, 28 March 2020

Paradoxes to embrace to be successful (2)

By Bayo Ogunmupe
     There are paradoxes of life you must embrace in order to be successful. In this second and final part, you will learn that every truth is but half of the truth of life. Though purpose is everything, but in the eyes of the universe, you could die at any moment. That you shouldn't dare thinking about success at all, that that is only a figment of your imagination. This only serves your ego causing pain when you fail to get what you want. On the other hand, however, your life should matter to you. You only have one life as vast as the universe is; you see yourself as the centre of the universe. And you will feel the joy of triumph or the regret of failure of the choice of your path before you die. So, what's left as choice is detachment.
     With experience comes knowledge, with knowledge comes wisdom. These gifts go freely to those who are comfortable walking in both darkness and light. Thus, there is no one "right" way to grow. See what's beautiful in every person's path, in every religion and in every belief system. Honour other people's paths even if they are different from yours. There is no right way; there is only the way that is right for you. What you think you create, what you feel, you attract and what you imagine you become. Therefore, don't seek to be relevant or liked. Seek to be undeniably indispensable. Seek to be compassionate. Seek integrity, humility and enlightenment. And there is a difference between a job and a career, no matter how much you are paid.
     Anything is possible if you pretend you never saw the obstacle. But ninety- nine percent of people are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things. So, they aim for the mediocre; which is why competition is fiercest for realistic goals, making realistic goals the most time and energy consuming. You may work hard developing skills; a career, a business, relationships; the perfect body, whatever it is that you want, without taking yourself all that seriously in the process. That is detachment. Most people make the mistake of taking their lives too seriously, living below their potential- what a tragedy. You should treat life like a game you are trying to win. But remember it's just a game and anything can happen, however, treat it like everything matters.
     Follow the lifestyle as set down by the German literary critic and man of letters, Viktor Frankl: "Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself." If you want to play with a cat, don't pet it, ignore it and it will come to you. If you want someone to like you, don't smother them with attention. Don't show all your cards, be coy and flirty; show a bit of interest, but not a ton upfront.
     If you want to be successful, don't focus so much on success but rather, work on yourself and your craft  until you attract success. In your desperation for results, you don't spend enough time working. Writers who desperately want success, don't write that much. They're only needy. Neediness repels success; repels people, it repels everything. How to get wealthy: "When you are young, work to learn, not to earn."-- Robert Kiyosaki. Middle class people who often boast they "don't care about money," care absolutely more than most others. Only that they think of everything in linear terms. People who want wealth forgo immediate gratification in terms of money making a killing down the road like baba ijebu gamblers. Millionaires evolve a lifelong culture of making money.
     Those who want to be wealthy gain profitable skills. Learn how to turn money to even greater money. Money buys freedom, you want the freedom itself, not shekels. Ignore short cuts for they make long delays. Cutting corners feed your subconscious with the negativity of self distrust. Doing things the hard way by avoiding shortcuts  makes your journey shorter and smoother. There isn't any secret of getting rich. Every minute you waste on a get rich scheme should have been spent on developing the skills to actually become rich. There is no substitute to working for money.

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