Sunday, 24 June 2018

Nuggets of success for winners

                              By Bayo Ogunmupe
    When reviewing your life at any weekend retreat, it can sometimes look like everyone leads a fairytale life except you. This puts you down especially when you have to work hard yourself to reach your goals. For such pensive occasions you are not alone. We all get fed up with such sunshine tales abuzz all around. In the circumstance this is the best time  to speak about some brutal truths about life we need to accept in order to move forward.
    One, it doesn't matter whatever anybody thinks about you. To worry about that is to harm yourself. Never try to be like anyone else, embrace who you are. Be your own role model; by accepting your imperfections you create the driving force for your personal success in life. Set out your vision and goals and  never allow anyone break your focus by substituting them with their own goals. That is how others prevent you from attaining  your ambition.
    Two, perfection doesn't  exist, so stop pursuing it. You should craft your own definition of perfection. As an opinion, perfection is the cheapest commodity in the universe, everyone has an opinion. And like opinion, happiness is an individual's perception of a moment. Don't get caught up searching for it, for it is unreachable because it has no port to anchor. Happiness hinges on small things that bring us joy: a smile or kind gesture, a laugh or surprise gift. Enjoy them transient as they are, they're the happiness you are looking for.
    Three, worrying is useless. Fear and worry trap and blind you to the ultimate reality you are in. Focus on the present; by fully grasping your reality with all your senses you attain truth. Worrying doesn't accomplish anything; it will not change the situation of the world. In fact your anxiety gives you a warped perception of the world, causing you to take bad decisions. Even though things aren't as you would like, you should still be content, knowing you are trying your best and will continue to do so.
    Four, failing is necessary to gain experience, for intellectual growth, wisdom and the acquisition of skills. If you fear failure, you will never reach your goals. Failure teaches valuable lessons-consider it as the stepping stone to success. All successful people have failed more than they have succeeded. And never focus on money bringing you happiness. It never does. Success isn't free, it takes hard work to be successful. Your new pair of shoes or latest iPhone will only bring you short term joy. Tis things you can't buy that brings true happiness. So focus right, invest on relationships rather than in materialistic things.
    Five, time is money, more accurately, time is more valuable than money. You only have one life, so you better make the most out of your time and spend it the best way to make you happy. Making money is necessary; but it leads you nowhere if you're spending your life in an unhappy office. Don't let money stand in the way of living your dream, for you are your best investment. You have only one life to live. So invest in yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Accept that you cannot make everyone your friend. In fact you meet too many people in life to be able to each one your friend. Since you are unique, you are better off with a small circle of true friends than many friends.
    Live now, today is the only time that matters. Start living in the present so that you don't miss out on anything by worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. Though money can't make you happy, it solves most problems. Making money through solving problems enables you buy your own problems away. Wealth won't make you happy but it will buy you freedom; allow you to live anywhere you want and like US President Donald Trump, wealth will enable you become anything you want.

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