Friday, 29 May 2020

How to create your own luck


 By Bayo Ogunmupe
    Those who are lucky in their chosen career paths; seemingly getting to where they want to be, without effort and making a living from it. We look at others experiencing great success and say, "Oh they must be better than me, more talented or just more lucky. What we do when we think that way is placing ourselves in victim mode. That way we disempower ourselves by gnawing away the fact that we're responsible for our own successes. The truth is that we have the talent to create our own success and good luck whether we believe it or not. moreover, there so many things we can do to produce our success in following our dreams as writers, entrepreneurs or actors. You have the power to create the talent and luck to get to where you want to be.
    You can achieve this when you combine your passion with the positive energy of the law of attraction. With these you can boost your chances of reaching your goals. However, all the talent in this world, is nothing compared to a strong work ethic and good discipline. This is essential to creating luck for oneself in order to be successful. Examine anyone who has made it to the top of his field, you will see that discipline is paramount. Another important factor is good time keeping. Going to work late is a bad habit that grows out of a lack of discipline. By making a conscious decision to value time both yours and that of others, you will find that your life becomes a lot less stressful.
    Your energy everyday is crucial to your success. This you can gain through getting enough sleep everyday, eating a balanced diet and undertaking regular physical exercise. By working from the core of your best self your emotional and mental life will blossom. This enables you to take on any task and begin to create a deep sense of self worth and invincibility. By always giving everything your best  shot with maximum effort you ensure good luck and success. This way you teach yourself you are capable. Also, passion is a key ingredient to success. Feed your passion by loving yourself and your work you increase your self worth. Sadly, you won't get anywhere if you don't love what you do. Look at the greats in your profession; you will see how they have mastered what they do due to passion. In whatever field, passion is what drives us to do our best.
    A way of attracting good luck to oneself is learning from those who came before you. The way to excel in your profession is to learn the history of that profession. By opening to learning from those who came before you, you grow into a colossus of your age. Stop envying those who are already where you want to be by cultivating humility and a sense of purpose. That will ingratiate you to them. They will then teach you the ropes from where you carve your own individual way forward. Going the extra mile shows you are serious about improving yourself and bent on making progress. People will always remember you for delivering just a little more. Push yourself a little harder than usual, you will be pleasantly surprised by your own prowess.
    Confidence comes from knowing your job, so always be prepared. Whether you are to make a speech, do an interview or going to watch a game of soccer, always be prepared, you might be asked to give the opening prayer or give a tribute. Being proactive (planning in advance) instead of reactive (reacting after things have happened) is a much stronger approach to life. You should realize that talent, luck and success are not by chance, they are all habits within our control.

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