Thursday, 6 July 2017

Creating and manifesting your vision

                          By Bayo Ogunmupe
    As we approach the halfway point of this year 2017, it is a great opportunity to evaluate progress toward your goals and your vision. Are you clear on what you actually want to accomplish this year?  Try putting all your energy into it. Try taking the right steps to create  and manifest your goals into reality. Taking action is the lodestar of any achievement.
    First of all, you must be clear on what you want to achieve.  The clearer you are about what it is you  want, the easier you will be able to achieve it. If you are not sure what it is you want, think about what could boost your self esteem as the goal of your vision. Research has proven that those who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them. Write down what you want to achieve, how you want to act and what you need to do in order to make it happen.
    Then, you prioritize to get things done. It is easy to squander your time and energy across multiple projects. It is wrong to multitask, for best results, prioritize what you want to achieve: in order from most to least important. Then, throughout the year, ensure that your energy and focus is on those goals at the top of your list.
      Create a vision, use images that represent your cherished ambition, enhance your winning skill by creating your vision board or mastermind group. Ensure that your image makes you feel connected to your vision, so rather than using literal images, you are using ones that give you the feeling you want to create. Place your vision where you will see it everyday. And take the time to visualize yourself doing and achieving all that you imagine.
    However, taking action is the ultimate force. As much as the Almighty, the angels and the spirits of your ancestors are ready to work with you to manifest your goal; you cannot rely on yourself alone to get the job done. When you take action, you increase the momentum towards what you desire, which allows the angels to orchestrate even better outcomes or results for you.
    And believing in yourself is crucial to your success. This is one of the most important things you can do. By confidently believing in yourself; you are capable of achieving whatever you put your heart and mind to. Remember that the more you believe, the more you achieve.  What can hold you back is the one lie we learned when we were younger.
    This lie many of us still hold on to until the bitter end. The idea of starting all over  being a bad thing is baked right into the fabric of our society and its educational system. We send our children to the university at 18; telling them to choose the career they will be happy with for the next 40 years. In most cases they choose wrongly.
    Over the years however, through bouts of hardship and failure you learn the truth through experience. Then you change, sometimes you start all over again. You have learned your lessons. You can always change paths anytime you want to. Indeed, starting all over again is always feasible. And often it is a pretty darn good choice too. This is better than being stuck with a lifelong career you naively chose when you were a teenager.
    The truth is no one wins a game of chess by one only moving forward. Sometimes you have to move backward to put yourself in a position to win. This is a perfect metaphor for life. Sometimes when it feels  like you are running into one dead end after another. Actually, this is a sign you are not on the right path.
      Maybe, you were meant to hang a left back when you took a right. Life gradually teaches you that U turns are allowed. So turn around when you must. There is a big difference between giving up and starting over in the right direction. There are three words that can release you from your past mistakes and regrets; and get you back on track. These words are: "From now on..." So from now on what should you do? 
    It is anything no matter how small. As long as you are not just sitting idle, strapped down to a destiny that isn't yours. If you mess it up, start all over again. Try something else. Let go of the past, grow into a new order. One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. But letting go is the healthiest path forward.
      Letting go clears out toxic thoughts. It paves the way to your making the most positive use of the present. You have to emotionally free yourself from the things that once meant a lot to you, so you can move beyond the past and the pain it brings you. Then you refocus and move forward to gain your goals in life. Letting go is changing your attitude about your past and present goals. Thinking better takes guidance and practice. Which is why thinking smart, thinking creatively are the hallmarks of creative problem solving.

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